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David Fravor


David Fravor is a retired naval pilot and Commander of VFA-41 also known as "The Black Aces". He is one of the primary witness in the 2004 USS Nimitz UFO incident. On November 14, 2004, Commander David Fravor, a fighter pilot from the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, investigated radar indications of a possible target off the coast of southern California. The USS Princeton (CG-59), part of the strike group, had been tracking unusual aircraft for two weeks. These aircraft reportedly appeared at 80,000 feet before descending rapidly toward the ocean, stopping at 20,000 feet, and hovering. Fravor described seeing a white, oval object hovering above an ocean disturbance, estimating its size to be about 40 feet long. He and another pilot, Alex Dietrich, along with two weapons systems officers, observed the object for around five minutes. Fravor attempted to spiral down closer to the object, which then ascended, mirroring his aircraft's movement, before disappearing. On May 17, 2022, Fravor, along with other military and intelligence officials, appeared before the House Intelligence Committee's subcommittee. This hearing was part of the U.S. government's increasing efforts to investigate and address Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).



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