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John Mack


John E. Mack was a prominent American psychiatrist and author who gained international attention for his research into the psychological and emotional impact of individuals who claimed to have experienced encounters with extraterrestrial beings. He served as a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and was a trained psychoanalyst. Mack's academic reputation was solidified with his Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of T.E. Lawrence, A Prince of Our Disorder (1976). In the late 1980s, Mack began investigating the phenomenon of alien abductions, interviewing over 800 individuals who reported such experiences. He approached these accounts with an open mind, seeking to understand the psychological and emotional impacts on the experiencers. His findings were published in his 1994 book, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, where he explored the personal narratives of those who claimed to have been abducted. Mack's dedication to understanding the alien abduction phenomenon and its psychological implications has left a lasting impact on the field, bridging the gap between psychiatry and the study of unexplained phenomena.



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