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Richard Dolan


Richard Dolan is a prominent figure in UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) research and a prominent advocate for government transparency on the subject. Renowned for his in-depth historical analysis of UFOs, Dolan authored the acclaimed multi-volume series UFOs and the National Security State, which offers a detailed chronicle of the phenomenon and its implications. His work is marked by meticulous research and a balanced perspective, weaving together historical detail and a nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between UFO sightings and government responses. One of Dolan’s most significant contributions is his exploration of UFOs' impact on national security and the necessity of government disclosure. He has been a steadfast advocate for the release of classified UFO-related records, playing a pivotal role in the movement for greater transparency. Beyond his historical investigations, Dolan has examined the potential future effects of UFO disclosure. In his book A.D. After Disclosure, co-authored with Bryce Zabel, he explores the societal, technological, and political transformations that could follow the public acknowledgment of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. This forward-looking analysis complements his historical work, offering a comprehensive perspective on the UFO phenomenon and its far-reaching implications.



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