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Robert Hastings


Robert L. Hastings is an American investigative journalist and author renowned for his extensive research into the intersection of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and nuclear weapons. In March 1967, Hastings personally witnessed five UFOs being tracked on radar at the base air traffic control tower, an experience that profoundly influenced his future research. In 1981, after conducting numerous interviews with former U.S. Air Force personnel regarding their knowledge of nuclear weapons-related UFO incidents, Hastings began lecturing on the U.S. government's cover-up of UFOs. Hastings is the author of UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites (2010), a comprehensive examination of UFO incidents at nuclear weapons sites, drawing on interviews with former military personnel and declassified documents. He has also produced a documentary film, UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed (2016), which further explores the connection between UFOs and nuclear weapons. Through his research and publications, Hastings has significantly contributed to the understanding of the relationship between UFO phenomena and nuclear weapons, advocating for greater transparency and scientific inquiry into these incidents.



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